Question: How do I order an item from Militia House?
Answer: Currently we do not offer complete online transactions. Our full catalog and prices are avalible online, but to order you must call, write, or e-mail our store to complete your order. Please see our "Place Order" page for more details.
Question: Can I have my item custom made for me?
Answer: Absolutly. All of our items are custom made to order. As such we control 100% of the process, and can modify and adjust your order to fit any need. Need a special size? Want to add something extra? We can accomodate almost any need.
Question: Do you do custom work?
Answer: Yes we do. We are willing to discuss with anyone the option of doing a custom project with them. Please call us for prices and to discuss this option.
Question: Someone told me that the item you offer isn't historically correct.
Answer: History is not an exact science. There are no such things as absolutes. However, what we can tell you is this...prior to offering an item for sale a tremendous amount of work goes into researching that item. We talk with experts, we read original documentation, we examine original items, and we view period paintings and illustrations. We attempt as best possible to thoroughly research every item we reproduce. Can we say beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is absolutely no possibility of any is no such thing as absolutely 100% no variations. What we can say is we are very confident in our research, and would be more than willing to discuss any discrepancies prior to ordering.